Peter Gonda

Peter Gonda

Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series /CEQLS/

Akadémia Klasickej Ekonómie

Klasická ekonómia pre stredoškolákov

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Peter Gonda LIBERTY - PROPERTY - RESPONSIBILITY ... about economics, economic liberalism and traditional values

About me

(dňa 9.6.2008 v sekcii English)

Peter GONDA, Ph.D. - the director and economist of the Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik and the Slovak Senior Fellow of the Cobden Centre. He deals with principles of economics, public finance, monetary and banking system, and other economic and social topics from the free society point of view by lecturing, writing articles, elaborating studies, publications, and coordination of conferences and seminars.

At present, he coordinates and lectures at seminars within the Academy of Classical Economics, Classical Economics for high school students and coordinates the economic lectures of qualified free market thinkers in Slovakia within the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (2009 Templeton Freedom Award winning project in the Ethics and Values category). He was for example external lecturer of economics at the Comenius University (2006 – 2019) and coordinator of the project Tearing down the Myths about Socialism and the Welfare State (2017 – 2020).

Peter Gonda is author of the book Eurozone and Alternatives of European Economic Integration (2013; in Slovak), the study The Economic Consequences of Slovakia´s Eurozone Membership (2014; in Slovak) and professional garantee and coauthor of the publication Reform Redirection of EU and European Integration (2018, in Slovak), editor and coauthor of the publication Welfare State: Reality instead of Myths (2020, in Slovak) and coeditor and coauthor of the publication Socialism: Reality instead of Myths (2020, in Slovak) and author and editor other publications, for instance Economic Consequences of Slovakia´s Accession to EU (2002, in Slovak), Draft of Welfare Reform in Slovakia (2005, in Slovak and in English), Program declaration of a reformed government: Guide for responsible politicians on the road to freer society and thinner government (2010; in Slovak), Slovakia on its Way to Unknown (2003; in Slovak) and In Defense of the Free Market (2007; in Slovak, Czech and English).

Peter Gonda is married and he has two children.

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